Water is one of the most important natural resource.

A family with regular supply of clean water is clean, healthy and happy. Children who have clean water to drink are less likely to be absent from school and therefore do better academically.

Having a regular supply of water keeps individuals and their surroundings clean and less likely to contract bacteria that causes illnesses such as bacteria.

In addition, access to clean water also makes it easier for families involve in agriculture to grow crops and raise stock. It decreases the work load of women in the kitchen, water wells and other water sources therefore giving them more time to do other activities like going to school or being employed in other productive tasks. This alone empowers girls and women in general and therefore promotes the growth of the whole community.

Water flows through a community encouraging life to flourish. It is vital to every individual and household, it is crucial for agricultural and industrial work.

Sadly, although there are many sources of water in the Philippines, there are places that are not reached by water providers especially those in far-flung places. These places are often populated by our underprivileged neighbors.

Due to lack of water, there are communities whose daily routine includes fetching water from a distance. A worldwide study shows that women actually spend around “200 million hours a day collecting water” according to water.org. Women suffer because instead of using time to devote on personal development like studying or getting a paying job, they are cast aside to fetch water for the family.

Also, this often means that the water these families use in a day is limited and they have to prioritize what to do with it. Bath may be second priority to cooking. Also, toilets and proper elimination of human waste may not be as hygienic. It is no wonder that illnesses such as “dehydration, cholera, diarrhea, malaria, typhoid, intestinal worms, eye infections, and even skin and bone problems” are common in such areas. In the Philippines, 6000 Filipinos die from illnesses related to poor sanitation and hygiene. Diarrhea is also the second leading cause of death in the country.

Lack of water also spells problem for agriculture work. Good irrigation may increase their harvest and therefore their income as well.

Social and health problems caused by lack of water keeps the poor even in a more destitute state.

According to the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (NFRI), having a good water systems may “improve socio-economic, health and nutrition status of households.”

The United Nations (UN) believe that access to water is a basic human right and for this right to be fulfilled, water should be, accessible, affordable, sufficient, and safe.

Installing a Hydraulic Ram Pump or Ram Pump may just be the answer to Philippine’s water problem.

A hydraulic ram pump or ram pump can help in fulfilling UN’s categories:


According to UN, “water should be within 1,000 meters of the house; collection time should not exceed 30 minutes.” A ram pump has the ability to pump water from a low lying source to a higher remote location, making it possible to access to water closer to home.


Water should be free or at least available at no more than 3% of the total household income. Water prices may get expensive due to treatment and service fees by providers. Installing ram pumps may cost initial money and some very minimal costs for maintenance but it does not usually need monthly fees.


Depending on the water source, a properly installed ram pump may produce the required 50-100 liters per day enough water for the community.


The drive pipe of a ram pump is buried to prevent from being tampered by people or animals reducing the chance of dirt and microorganisms to pass through. Of course, the health of the source water should be maintained. Other sterilizing techniques may be employed after getting the water from the delivery pipe.

Aside from these, ram pumps are a sustainable way to provide water. Ram pumps utilize kinetic energy and therefore does not need electricity or diesel for power. This makes the pump energy efficient and does not pollute the water source.

Lastly, simply by providing clean and affordable water, ram pumps can empower the community and break them free from the cycle of poverty.

Maximize your investment with good quality ram pumps from Gilman Ram Pumps & Enterprises. They serve households, farms and communities ensuring accessible, affordable, sufficient and safe water for all Filipinos.